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...things and digital twin Internet věcí a digitální replika ISO/IEC/JTC 1/SC 42 Artificial intelligence Umělá inteligence ISO/IEC/JTC 1/SC 38 Cloud Computing and Distributed Platforms Cloud computing a distribuované platformy ISO/TC...

Online seminář „Timely European standards for a Green and Digital, Single and Global Market“

Upozorňujeme na třetí seminář určený zainteresovaným stranám "Timely European standards for a Green and Digital, Single and Global Market".  Pracovní skupina CEN/CENELEC/ETSI a EK „Timely European standards for a Green...

Open call for tenders for the validation of methods in CEN/TC 455/WG 4 “Other safety parameters”

...stažení: Open Call for tender WG4 ILS (PDF, 147 kB) Annex1 Scoring system for the selection criteria WG4 ILS (PDF, 37 kB) Annex2 Application form Call validation (Word, 90 kB)...

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